N Gauge

N Gauge

This gauge is half the size of 00 and therefore you should in theory be able to lay four times as much track. This is becoming a very popular gauge with a full range of locomotives, rolling stock and accessories. In Europe and North America the scale of 1:160 is used for N gauge models, running on 9mm gauge track.

Gaugemaster Combi controller

Gaugemaster Combi controller

GaugemasterPart Number: CombiScale / Type: N / HO / OO ScalesOne of our best selling controllers, th..


Gaugemaster D controller

Gaugemaster D controller

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Gaugemaster GM2210303 class43 HST Measurement train

Gaugemaster GM2210303 class43 HST Measurement train

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Gaugemaster PM1 point motor with switch

Gaugemaster PM1 point motor with switch

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Peco ST-11 Set track n double straight

Peco ST-11 Set track n double straight



Flair-Rail rolling road units N/oo9

Flair-Rail rolling road units N/oo9

Flair-railN rolling road unitsuitable for oo9individual units ,one required per driven axle pla..


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